3572 - Pre-assembled unit for mixed underfloor heating and cooling systems with fan coil
Pre-assembled unit for mixed underfloor heating and cooling systems with fan coil, complete with:
- painted sheet steel wall box
- three-way zone valves with 220 V actuator, opening time 40 seconds
- main connection with 2-piece 1”M fittings
Underfloor heating side
- supply manifold with interchangeable connections for copper, plastic and multilayer pipes with 0-5 l/min flowmeters
- return manifold with interchangeable connections for copper, plastic and multilayer pipes with shut-off valves
- flow and return temperature gauge, by-pass kit
- automatic air vent valves, filling and drain cocks
Fan coil system side
- supply manifold with interchangeable connections for copper, plastic and multilayer pipe
- return manifold with interchangeable connections for copper, plastic and multilayer pipes with shut-off valves
- flow and return temperature gauge, by-pass kit
- automatic air vent valves, filling and drain cocks